Saturday, August 22, 2009

Questions/ponderings for the first day of school...

Do I have my computer? =)
Do my shoes match? (kids teasing can be ruthless!)
Will my height be an authority advantage over my kids?
What will their first impression of me be? (I wear my emotions on my sleeve--especially fear!)
What will my first impression of them be? (and will it change drastically throughout the year or are your first impressions usually right?)
Will my "inspirational" first-day words truly invest my students?
Will my very first lesson (in which I actually do have to teach content) be executed effectively for a great start to the year?
Will I get the students everywhere they need to go on time?
Will I be thankful for my lunch break or wish I could be with my students instead?
Will I look at these students as my babies (really BIG babies) from day 1, or will it take time?
Will I open my arms to them from the first minute, or will I appear stand-off-ish?
Does the Lake Forest t-shirt I'm required to wear really say, "Let's get down to business!"
How will I tell most of them in a motivational way that they are currently unable to read a 4th grade book (or even a 3rd grade book)? (do they even realize that?)
Will I be able to stay mission-minded above all things?
The bottom line is...
I don't know what will happen the first day of school, and maybe I don't really want to know because perhaps I wouldn't even change anything.
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Philipians 4:13

1 comment:

  1. And he will strenghten you and provide your needs as well as your students needs as you rely on him. I always pray for the students I need and the students that need me. I know you have done the same. God is always faithful. Have a blessed first day of school and rest of the school year. YOU ARE READY and will be an EXCELLENT teacher because you have the desire, drive, enthusiam, creativity, and compassion to be the best you can be and help your students blossom into life long learners. Love ya, Brenda
